Good new site on ageing issues that is worth looking at. I RSS it into google reader.
… or the highway
20 hours ago
Focuses on the pluses of being 50 plus and provides the latest statistics, case studies and stories about the healthiest, wealthiest and longest living generation in history. This is the back up to The Rainbow Years:The Pluses of Being 50+.
1 comment:
Just the thing I've been looking for to help my colleague promote his book just for people in this category. Long awaited:
Discover the One thing you don't know that is cutting your life short...
Monday, August 02, 2010 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (GMT)
London, United Kingdom
Dr Bill author of “Toxic Bite” and “Chill Out”, brings
us a message that cannot be ignored as he presents
aspects of his latest book – “Out of Order” the
problems of men.
You do not need to look far to discover someone who has fallen prey to heart diease,cancer, diabetes and respiratory disease to name the top four killers. Now with the backing of Nobel Prize Winning research you have the rare opportunity to discover how to change these statistics starting with yourself.
“Rugby players are fairly indicative of the male species at large. They play hard, drink hard, sing hard, and well you know the rest. Most of them will be amongst the 92% of men who don’t consult a doctor when they first get sick, an error that can have dire consequences death being the most permanent!”
In this fast moving, often hilarious look at Cardiovascular disease, High blood pressure, Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes, Gum disease and Erectile Dysfunction, Bill takes this serious subject and gets down to business to explain what we can do to reduce the risks while enhancing the prospects of us actively ageing well!
We can’t help getting older, but we can help how we do it! Biological, not chronological age is what matters and we need to know the difference!
What causes accelerated ageing and what can
we do about it?
• 1:3 women die of heart disease, what can they do?
• 1:2 men over 50 suffer erectile dysfunction a disaster or what?
• Want to look younger, feel younger and get younger on the inside?
• Want to learn simple exercises that will help?
• Why and how can your Dentist Help?
Dr Bill will deliver gender specific examples with candour and humour, but above all will give you the keys to life changing solutions.
For more details go to:
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