Excellent article in the Daily Mail by Steve Boggan which explores this topic with some extraodinary case studies. Not pleasant reading but sadly fits in with the reports that we are now getting regularly from TAEN and from Age UK. It also does not show up Job Centre Plus in a good light which also is far too common.
… or the highway
11 hours ago
Hi, just bought your book, and just found your blog, so this is a bit of a late comment on this article. It's shame there is so much bad news for us over 50s. I found the jobcentre completely useless when I was trying to return to IT after a career break in my 40s, 8 years ago. doesn't sound like they have changed much. They seem to be set up to only deal with a certain demographic, which must be an increasingly smaller proportion of the people looking for work.
Sorry to hear this Liz and it doesn't surprise me. It is one of the reasons that so many 50+'s are starting their own businesses - often lifestyle businesses - but there is nothing wrong with that. New business start ups for the over 50's also last longer than those started by the under 50's.
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