Friday, 28 August 2009

How the 50+'s shop

Money-off coupons and in-store promotions are more likely to influence the over 50s than any kind of loyalty to a particular brand, according to a new survey conducted by specialist mature marketing consultancy, Millennium. The survey of almost 400 people aged between 50 and 80 also reveals that more than a quarter (26%) shop for groceries online, which is said to dispell any myth that people in this age range are uncomfortable using computers. Over half of the sample spend in excess of £150 on groceries per month; with 49% believing that this figure is higher than their average spend at the same time last year. The most important factors to them when out shopping are, unsurprisingly, quality and price, which rank neck-and-neck. One finding is that 48% of those questioned said that publicised health reports did not affect their decisions to purchase or avoid particular grocery products. But, products claiming to be beneficial to health such as wholegrain, probiotic, vitamins and cholesterol-lowering products were particularly popular amongst the over 50s. Packaging and ethical concerns were also quite high on the agenda.

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